The Pentad of Disorders – Linda Bluestein, MD
In this episode of the Get Healthy Podcast, Linda Bluestein MD explains the “Pentad” of disorders. Pentad means ‘five’, and these are ‘five’ disorders that seem to be connected in many patients. If a patient has one of these disorders, then they have a higher chance of also having one or more of the other four.
They are:
1 – connective tissue disorders (Link)
2 – dysfunction of the autonomic system (Link)
3 – mast cell activation syndrome – MCAS (Link)
4 – gastrointestinal disorders (Link)
5 – autoimmune disorders (Link)
These disorders can often be difficult to diagnose as the symptoms may not be specific. Dr. Bluestein offers tips, guidance, and her experience as she helps patients navigate these difficult-to-diagnose conditions.
A good rule of thumb to remember is: “If you can’t connect the issues, think connective tissues!”
Learn more by visiting Dr. Bluestein’s page at:
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