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Alberta losing doctors amid corona virus outbreak due to government cuts – Dr. John Julyan-Gudgeon

Dr. John Julyan-Gudgeon

Canada often considers its health care system to be the best in the world, but what will happen when that system starts running out of money due to government spending cuts? Alberta family physician Dr. John Julyan-Gudgeon explains his concerns regarding recent changes proposed by the Alberta government, which will cut health care spending that could negatively impact the millions of Canadians who call Alberta home.

How does the Canadian health care system function and what does it tell us about single-payer systems being proposed in the United States? Dr. Ferguson and Dr. Julyan-Gudgeon dive deep into how family practice works in Canada, what makes it unique, and how influential the government can be when determining the level of care patients receive.

Dr. John Julyan-Gudgeon completed his undergraduate degree in Zoology at the University of Calgary and has been in Alberta ever since. He holds a Masters Degree in Neuroscience and graduated from University of Alberta’s medical school and Family Medicine residency program in 2006. He has served as a physician for the Canadian Forces between 2006 and 2010.  Since then he has practiced family medicine, seeing patients in clinic, in hospital, in hospice and in nursing home and even at home when necessary.  He calls the city of Red Deer, Alberta, home.

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