Kevin Buford, MD – The Strength of Introverts (Podcast)
Kevin Buford, MD, has a passion for Introverts and Organizational Leadership and is an Introvert Executive and Life Coach. Dr. Buford discusses introverts with Dr. Kris Ferguson.
Contrary to stereotypes, introverts can make great leaders, and have many strengths. Even Batman is an introvert!
Dr. Buford is a board certified Adult, Child and Addictions Psychiatrist with a demonstrated history of working in the healthcare and psychological wellness within the department of defense.
Are you an introvert? Take a free test on and find out.
Dr. Buford’s Facebook page can be found at @KayBeetheImperfect , where Kevin celebrates and embraces his alter ego, “Kay Bee the Imperfect.” He describes Kay Bee as his transparent and humanistic side.
For more information, please reach out to Dr. Buford at