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EP147 – The Latest On Spinal Cord Stimulators – Tim Deer MD

What is Spinal Cord Stimulation and how does it work? What are the risks and how are those risks mitigated by medical professionals?

Dr. Deer is at the forefront of spinal cord stimulation research and in this episode he discusses the various aspects of Spinal Cord Stimulators that patients and doctors need to be aware of.

Dr. Deer may be reached through

Dr. Deer founded the Spine and Nerve Centers of the Virginias in 1994. The Center has grown to offer treatment to not only West Virginians and Virginians, but also to many patients from throughout the United States, and those who travel Internationally for ground breaking interventional treatments often pioneered with the help of the team at our facilities. Dr. Deer has led a revolution in interventional spine and nerve care by teaching thousands of physicians an algorithmic approach to care including methods that are less invasive at a lower risk for complications.

Dr. Deer completed his Medical Degree at West Virginia University at the top of his class, and then went on to complete his advanced training at the University of Virginia. He currently holds the position of as a Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology at WVU and is active in teaching medical students, and hosts many residents and fellows for advanced training from both the United States and many countries.

In addition to those positions, Dr. Deer is on the Board of Directors for the North American Neuromodulation Society. He is also on the editorial committee for the journals Neuromodulation, Pain Medicine, and Pain Physician.

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